Up Your Verb Game With These 4 Tips and Examples

You learned a skill in grade school that can set your content apart today. Verbs can make all the difference in your sentences. That lesson learned in elementary school will let your content stand out in the proliferation of boring, weak, and ineffective language. By slashing through those wasted, wimpy verbs, your content will pack … Read more

Have Brands Reduced Their Pride Month Marketing?

This year, the reaction to Pride month celebrations of the LGBTQ community seems particularly heated. Some media claim brands have pulled back their public support, noting the perceived retreat by Budweiser and Target in response to protests and threats from small but vocal groups. But have brands diminished their Pride month marketing? CMI’s chief strategy … Read more

Creating Great Case Studies [Examples]

Case studies prevent your prospects from getting stuck in the funnel. That’s probably why almost two-thirds of B2B content marketers use the tactic. Case studies tell the story the prospective customer wants to know. Do you understand their pain points or need? Do you have a solution? Does it really deliver results? And case studies … Read more
