Hot takes on 3 content gifts from LinkedIn, Lifetime and Peloton

Hot takes on 3 content gifts from LinkedIn, Lifetime and Peloton

LinkedIn offers creatives the gift of streamlined live video and newsletter creation. Lifetime spoils viewers with an Olay-sponsored mini-episode starring Monique Coleman. And a Peloton employee gives the company a season in the spotlight. LinkedIn is expanding creator mode functions for videos and newsletters LinkedIn is expanding its new creator functions to include live videos … Read more

7 Insights to Improve Your Content Marketing SEO in 2022

7 Insights to Improve Your Content Marketing SEO in 2022

With consumer behavior evolving and the sheer volume of content being produced, content marketers cannot rely solely on historical SEO performance data as indicators of future success. Google’s mission hasn’t changed – it just wants to provide the best answer for every query. However, its ability to provide the best answer has evolved so it … Read more
