B2C Marketers Treat Content Marketing as a Project; That’s a mistake [New Research]

B2C Marketers Treat Content Marketing as a Project;  That’s a mistake [New Research]

In The End of Competitive Advantage, Rita Gunther McGrath illustrates all competitive advantages are transient. She contends everybody understands that. So why hasn’t basic strategy practice changed? As Rita writes: Most executives, even when they realize that competitive advantages are going to be ephemeral, are still using strategy frameworks and tools designed for achieving a … Read more

Why You Struggle To Prove Content ROI

Why You Struggle To Prove Content ROI

Measuring content ROI is a near impossible task. Too often, that statement ends the conversation about proving the value of content marketing. But the difficulty in tying content directly to the bottom line doesn’t mean content marketing isn’t a contributor to a business’ success. The failure to understand that too often leads to the demise … Read more
