If You Want To Create Exceptional Content, Limit Your Options

If You Want To Create Exceptional Content, Limit Your Options

Many content marketers are asked to do more without getting more resources. With audience attention harder to capture than ever, how can a creative content team cope? Go to Raising Cane’s and study the menu. If you don’t have time to go or aren’t near one of the chain’s 500 restaurants in 27 states and … Read more

How Strategic Content Planning Helps You Say Yes – and No

How Strategic Content Planning Helps You Say Yes – and No

What happened to strategic planning – once a core element of marketing operations? You may be saying, “Strategic planning is still a core piece of what we do.” Is it, though? Today’s “strategic planning” typically involves semi-annual or quarterly events consisting of “strategy making.” Managers and leaders get together (often starting with bagels and coffee) … Read more

Content Skills or Subject Matter Expertise?

Content Skills or Subject Matter Expertise?

Whenever I hear someone use the term SME (pronounced “smee”) for subject matter expert, I imagine a Dr. Seuss-like character and accompanying verse: On the 25thth day of March, in the jungle of sales,In the pall of the calls, the in of the bound,Hey yelled, “Data! Information!” and other leadership sounds.Then the SME stopped and … Read more
