Feast on These 9 Content Examples Worthy of Gratitude

Feast on These 9 Content Examples Worthy of Gratitude

Content marketers always have a lot on their plates. But in the past two years alone, you’ve likely taken on extra responsibilities, adapted your marketing strategies, and evolved your audience understanding – all while facing intimidating challenges. These are no small feats. So, this week while the US gives official thanks, in the spirit of … Read more

Microsoft Video Ads Are Now Broadly Available

Microsoft Video Ads Are Now Broadly Available

Video ads on the Microsoft Audience Network are now broadly available to augment existing search and image advertising campaigns. Microsoft piloted video ads in September 2021 in select countries. Over a year later, video ads are available to all Microsoft advertisers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. … Read more

TikTok video descriptions now have a 2,200 character limit

TikTok video descriptions now have a 2,200 character limit

TikTok video descriptions, once limited to 300 characters, have now been updated to 2,200 characters. What this means. The update was first noticed by social media consultant Matta Navarre on Twitter, who posted that the new character limit allowed users to express more details about their content, generate more engagement, and make their videos more … Read more
