6 Steps To Help Content Marketers Thrive With AI Tools

6 Steps To Help Content Marketers Thrive With AI Tools

Content marketers spend a lot of time pondering the question, “Will copywriters be replaced by AI?” They often conclude writers don’t need to worry. But you would benefit more if you asked a different question: “How can content writers work in a world that includes AI-created content?” Take steps today to ensure your work and … Read more

6 Influencer Marketing Metrics To Watch and 5 Tools To Help

6 Influencer Marketing Metrics To Watch and 5 Tools To Help

Influencer marketing sounds magical. You ask people to talk about your brand and its products with their digital audiences. When they do, your profits increase. But influencer marketing on social media is more complex, and like any content marketing, its connection to the bottom line usually isn’t direct. How can you create a social media … Read more

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

CMI published over 249 articles about all aspects of content marketing in 2022. I bet very few of you read every one of them. (I understand – you have a lot of things to do.) Since it’s my job, I read every article and check the performance analytics. So I put together the 10 most … Read more
