When most people think of hyperlinks, they think of connecting two different web pages — such as a blog and landing page — together. But that’s not all hyperlinks can do, they can link to a specific part of a page as well.

When most people think of hyperlinks, they think of connecting two different web pages — such as a blog and landing page — together. But that’s not all hyperlinks can do, they can link to a specific part of a page as well.
You know that scene from Seinfeld where Jerry challenges a customer representative who tells him they have no rental cars available even though he had a reservation? “I know why we have reservations,” the car rental worker replies after Jerry expresses his dismay. “I don’t think you do. If you did, I would have a … Read more
Love it or hate it, PPC isn’t going anywhere. At least not for a while. As PPC experts, we get to deal with everything from new platforms, added features, disappearing metrics (we’re looking at you, Facebook), angry clients, privacy issues and baffled relatives who ask “what do you do, again?” For example, it doesn’t just … Read more