Google Perspectives Search Filter Delivers Various Viewpoints With Engaging Content

Google Perspectives Search Filter Delivers Various Viewpoints With Engaging Content

Google Perspectives, a search filter unveiled at Google I/O that displays content with viewpoints about your query is now available on mobile. Our Perspectives filter is now available on mobile web & the Google app for searches (US/English for now) where it might be helpful to hear from other people. It lets you find videos, … Read more

Why the Martech Debate Only Delivers Wrong Answers

Why the Martech Debate Only Delivers Wrong Answers

Is your technology suite sweet? Or is your collection of marketing tools a fabulous “frankenstack?” The debate of one unified platform vs. best-of-breed solutions has raged in marketing for the last 20 years. Every couple of years, an article or keynote address promises to put an “end to the debate” but only walks through the … Read more
