Does a Rise in Chief Strategy Officers’ Role Give Hope for Chief Content Officers?

Does a Rise in Chief Strategy Officers’ Role Give Hope for Chief Content Officers?

Deloitte discovered fascinating new insights into businesses’ approaches to continuous innovation and change in its recently released 2023 Chief Strategy Officer Survey. If your immediate reaction is, “Hmmmm … Do we even have a chief strategy officer?” or “Where do we get one of those,” you’re not alone. Despite the title’s familiar sound, the function … Read more

A customer data roadmap for staying ahead of the competition

A customer data roadmap for staying ahead of the competition

In today’s competitive landscape, the key to winning over customers lies in personalized and extraordinary experiences. First-party data is a vital ingredient in this journey. By delving deep into customers’ engagement patterns, behaviors and transactional preferences, brands can gain invaluable insights. These insights, when effectively utilized, have the potential to transform the customer experience landscape. … Read more
