Is ChatGPT Use Of Web Content Fair?

Is ChatGPT Use Of Web Content Fair?

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT train using multiple sources of information, including web content. This data forms the basis of summaries of that content in the form of articles that are produced without attribution or benefit to those who published the original content used for training ChatGPT. Search engines download website content (called crawling … Read more

How The ChatGPT Watermark Works And Why It Could Be Defeated

How The ChatGPT Watermark Works And Why It Could Be Defeated

OpenAI’s ChatGPT introduced a way to automatically create content but plans to introduce a watermarking feature to make it easy to detect are making some people nervous. This is how ChatGPT watermarking works and why there may be a way to defeat it. ChatGPT is an incredible tool that online publishers, affiliates and SEOs simultaneously … Read more
