When Did Your B2B Team Stop Caring (and What To Do About It)

When did your marketing team stop caring? Last week, I asked that question of a CMO at a B2B technology company. I surprised myself by asking it and quickly clarified. I didn’t mean they didn’t care about their jobs. I wanted to know when they stopped caring about the topic of their employer’s business. A … Read more

Can Your Marketing Team Generate True Demand?

I see a common challenge in B2B marketing – teams seeking more budget and resources for demand-generation programs. “Now, wait a minute,” you might say. “It seems like demand gene for leads is the only thing we do.” To be clear, I mean true demand generation, not mid-funnel, inbound lead gen, nurturing, or sales enablement. … Read more

Before Deciding Where Your Content Team Reports, Pay Attention to This

When a brand creates a new content marketing or content strategy team, they often ask, “What function or department should the content team report to?” My answer? “Yes!” Now, I’m not trying to be a smart aleck. (Well, I am a little bit, do you even know me?) But seriously, my yes comes from years … Read more
