I fought it for a while, but TikTok has a stranglehold on me and won’t let go. Any time of the day, I sing viral TikTok sounds and say random phrases from popular videos.

I fought it for a while, but TikTok has a stranglehold on me and won’t let go. Any time of the day, I sing viral TikTok sounds and say random phrases from popular videos.
Page titles have a big impact on click-through rates because they provide important context to search engines, but a recent study shows that Google paraphrases page titles more than 60 percent of the time. A recent study on Zyppy.com analyzed more than 80,000 title tags from 2370 websites to determine how many of the website … Read more
An interesting question came up recently in a marketing group I follow on social media: “What content should we create?” The first few comments on the post were what you might suspect. Some people encouraged the poster to interview people who fit their personalities to find out what they’re struggling with. Others spoke of overcoming … Read more