How To Turn Your Content When the Economy Leads Your Audience To Twist

With the economy in flux, the only certainty is uncertainty. As your audience reacts to the ups and downs, you must evolve your content strategy to adapt to their reactions. Robert Rose, CMI’s chief strategy advisor, and Jane Qin Medeiros, general manager of StudioID, engaged in conversation in March about how marketers can take advantage … Read more

Google Did a Cookie-Free Experiment. Should the Results Matter to You?

Third-party cookies don’t crumble easily. In 2021, Google announced 2022 as the end of third-party cookies in its Chrome internet browser. It didn’t have a replacement in 2022, so it punted the disappearance down the road to 2024. And now, another delay could be on the horizon. A cookie-less future is still expected, but what … Read more

The Experience Is the Most Important Part

You know that scene from Seinfeld where Jerry challenges a customer representative who tells him they have no rental cars available even though he had a reservation? “I know why we have reservations,” the car rental worker replies after Jerry expresses his dismay. “I don’t think you do. If you did, I would have a … Read more
