How To Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Your Content for Improved Search Results

How To Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Your Content for Improved Search Results

You’re likely familiar with the reduce, reuse, recycle model of waste management, but have you considered it for your search-focused content? Follow the 3R approach by pruning and revising your site’s content regularly. That strategy can help snip the content weighing down your site’s overall search engine result page (SERP) rankings. Let’s get started. Think … Read more

Writing Is Writing, Right? Not If You Want To Keep Your Content Creation Team

Writing Is Writing, Right?  Not If You Want To Keep Your Content Creation Team

“It’s time to make the donuts.” This phrase from a 1981 Dunkin’ Donuts ad campaign has become part of our workplace culture. People use it to talk about preparing to do something repetitive, grueling, or meaningless. But that’s a misreading of the original message. The ad featured Fred the Baker, who woke up very early … Read more

13 Expert Tips for Choosing Tech That Makes Your Content Strategy Work

13 Expert Tips for Choosing Tech That Makes Your Content Strategy Work

If you plan to acquire new technology to support your content strategy, don’t look at the eye-popping Marketing Technology Landscape Super Graphic from Chief Martec. The most recent version (from 2020) details 8,000 products categorized into advertising and promotion, content and experience, social and relationships, commerce and sales, data, and management. Whether you viewed this … Read more
