Building a content strategy? Watch Out for That Second Step [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Building a content strategy?  Watch Out for That Second Step [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Which part of a tightrope walk takes the most courage? Most people believe it’s the first step out on the rope. But the tightrope walker who narrates one of the short stories in the collection Vigilantes of Love says that’s not the case: “The hardest was the step after the first. That’s where you gained … Read more

How To Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Your Content for Improved Search Results

How To Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Your Content for Improved Search Results

You’re likely familiar with the reduce, reuse, recycle model of waste management, but have you considered it for your search-focused content? Follow the 3R approach by pruning and revising your site’s content regularly. That strategy can help snip the content weighing down your site’s overall search engine result page (SERP) rankings. Let’s get started. Think … Read more

How To Create Blockbuster B2B Stories That Sell [Rose-Colored Glasses]

How To Create Blockbuster B2B Stories That Sell [Rose-Colored Glasses]

How many times have you heard advice on becoming a great storyteller? And how many times have you wished that advice translated more easily to content marketing? You’re not alone. I often get questions about how to transform marketing content into great stories. Earlier this week, I talked to a team of content marketers who … Read more
