8 Techniques To Get More Customer Reviews For Your Local Business

In the internet age, few things shape purchasing decisions as much as online reviews. And why not? They provide authentic and honest insight that no marketing campaign could ever replicate. The modern equivalent of the all-important word of mouth, customer reviews can make or break the reputation of a local business – and make a … Read more

3 Reasons So Many Business Strategies Fail (And How To Succeed), According to the Strategy Hacker

Do you remember when you were introduced to long division in grade school? You found yourself needing multiple steps to solve a single problem. It probably seemed like a very daunting and impossible task before your math teacher showed you a hack that broke down your seemingly endless series of steps into only a few.

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10 Ideas To Help Your Content Marketing Team Achieve Business Goals

Editor’s note: This week, we’re giving everyone a taste of Content Marketing World 2022 by featuring recaps of articles filled with insights from this year’s speakers. “Teamwork makes the dream work.” I recently learned that sentence is only the first part of the quote. In the book where he coined the phrase, John C. Maxwell … Read more
