Content Strategy – Not Content – Can Be Your Brand’s Competitive Advantage [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Content Strategy – Not Content – Can Be Your Brand’s Competitive Advantage [Rose-Colored Glasses]

A CMO recently asked if he could push back on a word I used in a webinar – a word that marketers tend to throw around a lot. I replied, “Sure, push away.” The word was strategy. I had talked a lot in the webinar about how the content itself provides no sustainable competitive advantage. … Read more

TikTok Pulse puts brands next to the top 4% of videos

TikTok Pulse puts brands next to the top 4% of videos

TikTok has announced plans for a “contextual advertising solution” that will let advertisers get visibility next to the top 4% of content in TikTok’s For You feed. What is TikTok Pulse. This is TikTok’s first exploration of an advertising revenue share program with creators, public figures and media publishers, the company said. Ad revenue will … Read more
