Google fixes Google News indexing bug

Google has confirmed it fixed the ongoing issue with Google News indexing. This resulted in many publishers seeing massive traffic declines from Google News for a three-week period, starting around June 21st. the update Google posted an update at 5:06 pm ET today, saying, “We fixed the issue with News indexing. There will be no … Read more

Google confirms bug with Google News impacting publisher traffic

Google has confirmed an issue with indexing content from news publishers and surfacing that content in Google News. Google said it is working to fix the issue but the issue may result in a decrease in traffic from Google News. Google’s statement. Google posted a statement in the Google Search status report saying, “There’s an … Read more

Meta Would Rather Remove News Than Pay Publishers

Meta says it will consider removing news articles from its platform if a US government mandate forces the company to compensate publishers. The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) enables news outlets to collectively negotiate revenue-sharing deals with social media platforms and search engines. The JCPA is designed to benefit US news outlets because deals … Read more
