Google, Microsoft generative AI experiments concern advertisers

Google and Microsoft are placing ads into AI experiments without giving brands the choice to opt out. Advertisers are now concerned that their products and services could be promoted next to inappropriate content. Why we care: Brands could potentially be at risk of damage to their reputation should their products or services be advertised next … Read more

Microsoft Ads to launch UET Insights dashboard with new traffic data

Microsoft Ads will start collecting more website data through its Universal Event Tracking Tag to power UET Insights, a new dashboard for advertisers to launch in June. The dashboard. Data will be available in near real-time and won’t be sampled on the new dashboard. It will include these metrics: session count. Popular pages. Device breakdown. … Read more

Microsoft Unveils AI Chat Monetization For Digital Partners

Microsoft introduced the ads for chat API this week: an advertising solution designed to monetize AI chat experiences seamlessly and engagingly. According to the announcement, the ads for chat API would create native advertising experiences that benefit partners, consumers, and advertisers. Who Would Benefit From The Ads For Chat API? The ads for chat API … Read more
