If the customer is always right, your tech should be too

According to a new survey from Forrester, 56% of your marketing peers plan to increase investment in advertising/marketing solutions over the next year. Where do they plan to invest? Join this webinar to hear experts from AWS, Forrester, Merkle and Treasure Data discuss findings from the study about the state of customer experiences and the … Read more

What is helpful content, according to Google?

Google’s new helpful content update is meant to reward content that is written for humans. So how exactly does Google define “helpful content”? In short, according to Google, helpful content: This is important to know because your definition of “helpful content” is likely different from Google’s. Here’s everything we know about what Google considers helpful … Read more

The key to email marketing success

Marketers are being asked to do more with available resources while still delivering against tough targets. Pivoting this from a no-win mission to a job-well-done scenario is a no-brainer. The simple solution? Entrusting your email marketing to a reliable and scalable platform. During this webinar, you’ll learn how Hertz has tackled their ESP sprawl, grew … Read more
