Keyword Match Types Still Matter (Phrase & Exact Match Are Not Obsolete)

Keyword Match Types Still Matter (Phrase & Exact Match Are Not Obsolete)

A powerful tool for managing ad spend, keyword match types help advertisers tailor their ad campaigns to the most relevant audience, thus bringing in the right traffic and ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. With the advent of more advanced targeting options, some marketers have begun to question whether keyword match types still matter. This … Read more

Making A Difference One Search At A Time

Making A Difference One Search At A Time

With growing environmental and social issues, people are looking for ways to help create a greener future. A straightforward approach to contribute is by using environmentally-conscious search engines that aid different ecological and societal initiatives. This article examines a selection of leading eco-friendly search engines and the projects they support. Ecosia: The Green Search Engine … Read more
