Want To Really Win Over Your Audience? Be Their Accountability Partner

Want To Really Win Over Your Audience? Be Their Accountability Partner

It happens every Jan. 1. People set goals for the new year – and most stop working to achieve them within a month. The same thing happens after webinars, conferences, how-to articles, goal-focused podcasts, or motivational videos. People feel inspired to do something. As with New Year’s resolutions, people get hyped up and may take … Read more

What Your Brand Can Do To Win the Instagram Game

What Your Brand Can Do To Win the Instagram Game

Instagram virality can be a natural byproduct for marketers who mix an understanding of the algorithm’s desires with a devotion to the customer-content experience. Instagram crawls content to determine how popular, valuable, and relevant posts are for an audience segment or individual. Thus, the algorithm is in control of the content that surfaces for Instagram … Read more
